donderdag 21 april 2011


Questions I will be asking:
this is not the right order but so you can prepare yourselves
  1. what has been done already for the presentation? nothing of course but you can say you've searched the internet and found some interesting stuff or Louise, you can say you've asked your nephew for informatio.
  2. what has been done already for the paper
  3. where are we going to talk about in the presentation: suggestions?
  4. why these suggestions?
  5. what has to be done for the presentation?
  6. what has to be done for the paper?
  7. how are we going to do the things that have to be done for the paper
  8. how are we going to do the things that have to be done for the presentation
  9. who is going to do it? 
  10. where are we going to talk about in the presentation: suggestions?
  11. why these suggestions?
  12. how are we going to divide the tasks for the presentation
  13. If anyone has some questions: please add
please read before next week's thursday

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