maandag 14 maart 2011

150 Word summary from the 75 word summaries

Despite the fact that socially responsible investing(SRI) is becoming more rapidly emerging, imposing a set of rules is still a very difficult case.  Although SRI has already existed for a long time, it’s important to underline that only nowadays more people expect more and more social engagement from the enterprises so a constructive conversation is needed. SRI is an very complex theme with proponents and opponents. The proponents have, over the past decades, invented a variety of tools to measure the sustainability of the working of a corporation. Sustainability is the grand concept where SRI is all about. Sustainability in the relation of corporation with stakeholders  and shareholders. Because  sustainability, and SRI in general, are sprang from ideas, opinions and beliefs, there are also a lot of opponents. Research has taught us that corporations that are willing to spend time and money in SRI, maximize their profits more than conventional corporations.

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