maandag 8 november 2010

SAP: helft ondernemingen ziet duurzaamheid als ‘modegril’ (The half of the Belgian companies see “sustainability” as a fashion phenomenon)

The study, made by Indigov, shows us that 57% of the Belgian companies see sustainability as an fashion phenomenon, or think it is just “being green” and forget the important aspects of the policy. The principal, SAP, says that it should be a part of the long term visions of the companies, and thinks that it is pity that it is not a part if the election campaigns. SAP sells software-solutions to help enterprises to become more durable and effective.
Only 27% of the Belgian businesses have put the sustainability on their agenda, but for the multinationals  with more than 500 employers it is almost 50%.
The main reason  to make such investments is the possibility to reduce the costs, but a lot of the companies would do it for their image.

Louise Oosterlynck

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