Structure for the discussion:
1) 1) Chair: Welcome + introduction
2) 2)What we’re going to talk about in our presentation:
-opinion Louise
- opinion Davit
-opinion Laurens
-opinion Brecht
(depending on who’s the chair)
By example which specific side of social responsible investments where going to work out
3) 3) What has been done already (so it’s necessary that we all look up one research article and one article from the popular press (as told in the lesson) and point out some key things you think are useful in the presentation and paper)
+ summarizing and perhaps dividing by chair
4) 4) What has to be done: by example the dividing of the tasks, which research articles are worth working with,..
+summarizing by chair
5) 5)Chair: giving the specific tasks and ending
you can all react on this post so we have a nice worked out plan to begin the discussion with!